This function takes data frame input and prints to the console as an ASCII/markdown table for better readability.
- x
A data frame or matrix.
- format
The style, which can be one of the following: "multiline", "grid", "simple" (also "pandoc"), "rmarkdown" (also "markdown"). Default: "markdown"
- digits
How many digits to print for numbers. Default: 2
- sig.digits
Should each number be printed with
number of digits or only when there are at least that many significant digits? Default is TRUE, meaning only printdigits
number of significant digits.- row.names
if FALSE, row names are suppressed. A character vector of row names can also be specified here. By default, row names are included if rownames(t) is neither NULL nor identical to 1:nrow(x).
- col.names
a character vector of column names to be used in the table
- align
Column alignment: a character vector consisting of ‘'l'’ (left), ‘'c'’ (center) and/or ‘'r'’ (right). By default or if ‘align = NULL’, numeric columns are right-aligned, and other columns are left-aligned.